Tuesday, 22 May 2012

Radiance - The Story So Far - Hod/Netzach

Yesterday I began posting the 5th section of Radiance, my kabbalistic fantasy novel, and it occurred to me that it's getting harder and harder to just jump in and start reading. So here is my story so far post, to help get you up to speed and into the story.

First some links to get you caught up - all my 'story so far' posts have links to every chapter in that section so you can easily track down what you've missed.

The story so far - Malchut
The story so far -Yesod

Hod/Splendour - Chapter 1
Hod/Splendour - Chapter 2
Netzach/Victory - Chapter 1
Netzach/Victory - Chapter 2

Possession is Nine Tenths of the Law
Asher has spent the last 6 months or so with Virgo, learning about Judaism and training for combat. These skills are put to the test when the two of them face a dybbuk known as the nameless one in Columbus Circle. Using all their mystic powers, Virgo and Asher defeat the dybbuk but not before it possesses Asher.

Felafel and Houmous
Meanwhile in Netanya, Mercury and Ostar, two of the Seven, are staking out a shop that seems to be the base of the Sitra Achra's activities. Rahko, embodiment of Chessed, appears to tell them that bad stuff is going down and they should enter the shop immediately. Meanwhile Rahko went to try to find Li, Virgo and Asher. Ostar and Mercury entered the store and were confronted by Ashmedai - their fate is unknown.

Bad memories
Inside Asher's brain he fought the dybbuk, through memories of Hebrew school, his bar mitzvah and a funeral. In the end, Asher triumphed over the nameless one and just as he let go of his unlife, the dybbuk told Asher he had a secret to share.

Daddy Issues
Witnessing the dybbuk's memories from the inside, Asher saw his father meeting Virgo in a hotel lobby before his father died. Virgo left Asher's father in the hotel and he was ambushed by the sitra achra and killed.

Why did Asher's father meet with Virgo? Why did he let himself be killed? What happened to Mercury and Ostar? And will the prophecy of Asher's death be realised?

Keep reading Radiance to find out.

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